Working with CLI ================================= This tutorial contains steps for using s3-compatible CLI with the Object Store. We recommend using MinIO CLI (mc) for best experience. Download MinIO Client(mc) `````````````````````````````` * Linux (64-bit Intel) * Linux (64-bit PPC) * Windows (64-bit) * MacOS brew install minio/stable/mc For other methods, visit MinIO documentation `here `_. Run the Client ```````````````` Check the client is downloaded correctly by running the following command from the directory where the binary file is saved. * macOS mc --help * Windows mc.exe --help * GNU/Linux :: chmod +x mc ./mc --help .. note:: Add mc to environment path You may optionally add mc to your environment path for further convinience. For example: # GNU/Linux or macOS mv mc /usr/local/bin ./mc --help Save Storage Credentials ```````````````` Object store supports creation of multiple access credentials (keys) from storage section in my account. After generating or creating an access key, you will be provided with a mc config command:: ./mc config host add :access_key: You can generate an access key from **my account > Storage > Manage Access** :secret_key: Obtain this the same way as access key. :key_name: This can be any meaningful name. Something easy to remember as you will use this with every mc command. .. tip:: Here is an example:: mc config host add wp_creds AAFJRFERF JIJEDF3D88 The above command will save a storage credential with name **wp_creds** in your system. From here on, you can access bucket contents granted to this access key with the use of string **wp_creds**. This way you don't have to pass credentials (access/secret key) each time you run **mc** command but instead you refer to **wp_creds**. List Objects ```````````````` The following command lists the objects in a storage bucket named **wp_bucket**. Here the access key **wp_creds** has been granted permission to **wp_bucket** from storage browser in my account. :: ./mc ls wp_creds/wp_bucket/ Under the hood, the mc uses the saved credentials wp_creds to connect to the E2E Object Store. List Buckets ```````````````` Object store currently does not support listing buckets from CLI. You can view your buckets from storage browser (My account > **Storage**). Make Bucket ```````````````` Object store currently does not support listing buckets from CLI. You can create your buckets from storage browser (My account > **Storage**). .. highlight:: bash View Object Content ```````````````````` Use **cat** command to view contents of objects in your bucket. You can also use head command to display top few lines of an object. To view **terms.txt** from **customer_terms** directory in **wp_bucket**: :: mc cat wp_creds/wp_bucket/customer_terms/terms.txt To display first **5** lines from **terms.txt**: :: mc head -n 5 wp_creds/wp_bucket/customer_terms/terms.txt Pipe Content ``````````````` You can use pipe command to write contents directly to E2E Object store from command line. To stream MySQL Database dump to Object store directly: :: mysqldump -u root -p ***** customerdb | mc pipe wp_creds/wp_bucket/customers/backup.sql Copy or Upload content ```````````````````````` You can copy content from local system to object store using cp command. The copy operations to object store are verified with MD5SUM checksums. Interrupted or failed attempts can be resumed from the point of failure. To copy customer **terms.txt** to **customer_terms** path (created if does not exist) in **wp_bucket**: :: mc cp terms.txt wp_creds/wp_bucket/customer_terms/terms.txt To copy a folder recursively: :: mc cp —recursive local_dir wp_creds/wp_bucket/ Remove Content ```````````````````````` Use rm command to delete file or object. To remove a **terms.txt** from wp_bucket/customer_terms: :: mc rm wp_creds/wp_bucket/customer_terms/terms.txt To remove **all objects** from **a bucket**: :: mc rm —recursive —force wp_creds/wp_bucket To remove all **incomplete uploaded files** for an object: :: mc rm —incomplete wp_creds/wp_bucket/terms.txt Update mc client ```````````````````````` To update your mc client to the latest version :: mc update .. note:: For source based installations of mc client the mc update command does not support update notifications. Share Content ```````````````````````` Object store does not support sharing configuration from CLI. To enable a bucket for public or anonymous upload and download, you can visit the bucket permissions tab in storage browser (my account). Unsupported Commands ```````````````````````` Currently we do not support the following commands offered by mc. - mirror - watch - policy - admin - config Object store is evolving project, so you can expect these in near future. In case any of these commands are limiting your workflow then please write to `us `_.