============== Object Storage ============== Create an API Key and access token:- ==================================== For create a **API Key** and **Access Token** to refer this link :- `https://www.e2enetworks.com/help/knowledge-base/how-to-create-an-api-access-token/ `_ List of Bucket ============== To find the list of bucket(s), send a **HTTP GET** request to the eos endpoint **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/buckets/?apikey={{API_Key}}&project_id={{project_id}}** The request returns a JSON object that contains the following attributes: .. csv-table:: :file: table/list_of_bucket.csv :widths: 25, 25, 50 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python http client import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token' } conn.request("GET", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/buckets/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Request import requests url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/buckets/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload={} headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Response Body { "code": 200, "data": [ { "id": 2277, "name": "realtest4", "created_by": 5652, "status": "NEW", "created_at": "2022-04-14T16:28:12.929591Z", "updated_at": "2022-04-14T16:28:12.929704Z", "bucket_size": "233.87 KB", "versioning_status": "Off", "lifecycle_configuration_status": "Not-Configured" }, { "id": 2292, "name": "bucket112", "created_by": 5652, "status": "NEW", "created_at": "2022-04-18T04:24:18.302700Z", "updated_at": "2022-04-18T04:24:18.302794Z", "bucket_size": "95.46 MB", "versioning_status": "Off", "lifecycle_configuration_status": "Not-Configured" } ], "errors": {}, "message": "Success" } Create a new Bucket- -------------------- To create a **Bucket** , send a **Post** request eos end point:- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/buckets/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}** The request returns a JSON object that contains the following attributes: .. csv-table:: :file: table/list_of_bucket.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token' } conn.request("POST", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/buckets/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Request Body import requests url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/buckets/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload={} headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token' } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Response Body { "code": 200, "data": { "id": 2308, "name": "shubh111", "created_by": 5652, "status": "NEW", "used_MB": null, "created_at": "2022-04-21T10:27:42.572422Z", "updated_at": "2022-04-21T10:27:42.572525Z", "versioning_status": "Off", "lifecycle_configuration_status": "Not-Configured" }, "errors": {}, "message": "Success" } Delete a Bucket - ----------------- To delete a **Bucket** , send a **DELETE** request to eos end point:- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/buckets/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}** .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token' } conn.request("DELETE", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/buckets/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Requests import requests url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/buckets/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload={} headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token' } response = requests.request("DELETE", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Response Body { "code": 200, "data": {}, "errors": {}, "message": "Success" } Enable Bucket Versioning ------------------------ To **enable Bucket versioning** , send a **Post** request eos end point :- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_versioning/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&location=Delhi&project_id={{project_id}}** Attributes and respective values required to send this POST request are: .. csv-table:: :file: table/enable_versioning.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client import json conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = json.dumps({ "bucket_name": "bucket_name", "new_versioning_state": "Enabled" }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } conn.request("POST", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_versioning/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&location=Delhi&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Requests import requests import json url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_versioning/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&location=Delhi&project_id={{project_id}}" payload = json.dumps({ "bucket_name": "bucketname", "new_versioning_state": "Enabled" }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "bucket_name": "bucket_name", "new_versioning_state": "Enabled" } .. code-tab:: Python Response Body { "code": 200, "data": { "bucket_name": "bucket_name", "bucket_versioning_status": "Enabled" } "errors": {}, "message": "Success" } Disable Bucket Versioning ------------------------- To **Disable Bucket versioning** , send a **Post** request- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_versioning/bucket_name/?apikey={{api_key}}&location=Delhi&project_id={{project_id}}** Attributes and respective values required to send this POST request are: .. csv-table:: :file: table/enable_versioning.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python HTTP Client import http.client import json conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = json.dumps({ "bucket_name": "bucketname", "new_versioning_state": "Disabled" }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } conn.request("POST", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_versioning/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&location=Delhi&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Requests import requests import json url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_versioning/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&location=Delhi&project_id={{project_id}}" payload = json.dumps({ "bucket_name": "bucketname", "new_versioning_state": "Disabled" }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "bucket_name": "bucket_name", "new_versioning_state": "Disabled" } .. code-tab:: Python Response Body { "code": 200, "data": { "bucket_name": "bucket_name", "bucket_versioning_status": "Suspended" }, "errors": {}, "message": "Success" } Applied Life Cycle rule ----------------------- To **Applied a life cycle rule** in bucket to send a **Post** request- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_lifecycle/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}** Attributes and respective values required to send this POST request are: .. csv-table:: :file: table/life_cycle_rule.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 The request returns a JSON object that contains the following attributes: .. csv-table:: :file: table/list_cycle_rule2.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client import json conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = json.dumps({ "bucket_name": "bucketname", "lifecycle_rules": [ { "expiration_days": 1, "new_status": "Enabled", "noncurrent_version_expiration_date_or_days": 1, "prefix": "", "rule_id": 0 } ] }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } conn.request("PUT", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_lifecycle/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Requests import requests import json url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_lifecycle/{{bucket_name}}/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload = json.dumps({ "bucket_name": "bucketname", "lifecycle_rules": [ { "expiration_days": 1, "new_status": "Enabled", "noncurrent_version_expiration_date_or_days": 1, "prefix": "", "rule_id": 0 } ] }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.request("PUT", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "bucket_name": "bucketname", "lifecycle_rules": [ { "expiration_days": 1, "new_status": "Enabled", "noncurrent_version_expiration_date_or_days": 1, "prefix": "", "rule_id": 0 } ] } .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "code": 200, "data": [ { "id": 115, "deleted": false, "created_at": "2022-04-14T16:31:11.493637Z", "updated_at": "2022-04-14T16:31:11.493717Z", "rule_id": "bc6e8f217adc4cffb0fe6711d416b73b", "enabled": true, "prefix": "", "expiry_date_or_days": "1", "noncurrent_version_expiration_date_or_days": "", "transition": "", "storage_class": "", "tags": "", "bucket": 2279, "user": 5652 }, ], "errors": {}, "message": "Success" } List of all Access Key ====================== To find the **list of all access key** , send a **Get** request- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/list/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}** The request returns a JSON object that contains the following attributes: .. csv-table:: :file: table/access_key1.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', } conn.request("GET", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/list/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Request Body import requests url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/list/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload={} headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token' } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Response Body { "code": 200, "data": [ { "id": 5792, "my_account_id": null, "user_name": "{{username}}", "email": "", "access_key": "9TN9PJNQ3K3LPEDGGIYU", "secret_key": null, "is_default": false, "disabled": false, "tag": "key1" }, ], "errors": {}, "message": "Success" } Create Access Key ----------------- To **create a access key**, send a **Post** request to eos end point :- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}** Attributes and respective values required to send this POST request are: .. csv-table:: :file: table/create_access_key1.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 The request returns a JSON object that contains the following attributes: .. csv-table:: :file: table/create_access_key2.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client import json conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = json.dumps({ "tag": "uni4" }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token' 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } conn.request("POST", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Requests import requests import json url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload = json.dumps({ "tag": "uni4" }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "bucket_name": "bucketname", "lifecycle_rules": [ { "expiration_days": 1, "new_status": "Enabled", "noncurrent_version_expiration_date_or_days": 1, "prefix": "", "rule_id": 0 } ] } .. code-tab:: Python Response Body { "code": 200, "data": { "id": 6101, "my_account_id": null, "user_name": "{{username}}", "email": "", "access_key": "H334F1LDFXA6S5JGHI0I", "secret_key": "SQLYSI0KMWRULUTTRJI5E08EYYR519L3W5MABD26", "is_default": false, "disabled": false, "tag": "uni4" }, "errors": {}, "message": "Success" } Delete Access Key ----------------- To **Delete a access key**, send a **Delete** request- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?access_key={{access_key}}&apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}** .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token' } conn.request("DELETE", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?access_key={{access_key}}&apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Requests import requests url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?access_key={{access_key}}&apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload={} headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token' } response = requests.request("DELETE", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Response Body { "code": 200, "data": {}, "errors": "", "message": "The delete operation is successful" } Lock Access Key --------------- To **Lock a access key**, send a **Put** request eos end point :- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}** Attributes and respective values required to send this POST request are:- .. csv-table:: :file: table/lock_access_key1.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 The request returns a JSON object that contains the following attributes: .. csv-table:: :file: table/lock_access_key2.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client import json conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = json.dumps({ "disabled": True, "id": 6069 }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } conn.request("PUT", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Requests import requests import json url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload = json.dumps({ "disabled": True, "id": 6069 }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.request("PUT", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "disabled": true, "id": 6069 } .. code-tab:: Python Response Body { "code": 200, "data": { "id": 6069, "my_account_id": null, "user_name": "{{username}}", "email": "", "access_key": "8UO5VD06ALNVOMPOL5Y7", "secret_key": null, "is_default": false, "disabled": true, "tag": "uni3" }, "errors": null, "message": "Success" } Unlock Access Key ----------------- To **Unlock a access key**, send a **Put** request- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}** Attributes and respective values required to send this POST request are: .. csv-table:: :file: table/lock_access_key1.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 The request returns a JSON object that contains the following attributes: .. csv-table:: :file: table/lock_access_key2.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client import json conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = json.dumps({ "disabled": False, "id": 6069 }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } conn.request("PUT", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Requests import requests import json url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/core/users/?apikey={{api_key}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload = json.dumps({ "disabled": False, "id": 6069 }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.request("PUT", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "disabled": false, "id": 6069 } .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "code": 200, "data": { "id": 6069, "my_account_id": null, "user_name": "{{username}}", "email": "", "access_key": "8UO5VD06ALNVOMPOL5Y7", "secret_key": null, "is_default": false, "disabled": false, "tag": "uni3" }, "errors": null, "message": "Success" } Attach Permission ----------------- To **attach permission in the bucket** , send a **Put** request- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_perms/?apikey={{api_key}}&bucket_name={{nameofbucket}}&project_id={{project_id}}** Attributes and respective values required to send this POST request are: .. csv-table:: :file: table/attach_permision_bucket1.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 The request returns a JSON object that contains the following attributes: .. csv-table:: :file: table/attach_permission_bucket2.csv :widths: 25, 25, 25 :header-rows: 1 .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client import json conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = json.dumps({ "role_name": "Bucket Admin", "users": [ { "access_key": "L3A8MZCUORF0FYJ8GGCP", "disabled": False, "email": "", "id": 6068, "is_default": False, "my_account_id": None, "secret_key": None, "tag": "uni2", "user_name": "username" } ] }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } conn.request("PUT", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_perms/?apikey={{api_key}}&bucket_name={{bucket}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Requests import requests import json url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_perms/?apikey={{api_key}}&bucket_name={{bucketname}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload = json.dumps({ "role_name": "Bucket Admin", "users": [ { "access_key": "L3A8MZCUORF0FYJ8GGCP", "disabled": False, "email": "", "id": 6068, "is_default": False, "my_account_id": None, "secret_key": None, "tag": "uni2", "user_name": "username" } ] }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.request("PUT", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "role_name": "Bucket Admin", "users": [ { "access_key": "L3A8MZCUORF0FYJ8GGCP", "disabled": false, "email": "", "id": 6068, "is_default": false, "my_account_id": null, "secret_key": null, "tag": "uni2", "user_name": "{{username}}" } ] } .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "code": 200, "data": [ { "id": 2437, "user": { "id": 6068, "my_account_id": null, "user_name": "{{username}}", "email": "", "access_key": "L3A8MZCUORF0FYJ8GGCP", "secret_key": null, "is_default": false, "disabled": false, "tag": "uni2" }, "role": { "id": 1, "name": "Bucket Admin", "display_name": "Bucket Admin", "active": true }, "deleted": false, "created_at": "2022-04-21T05:57:48.121538Z", "updated_at": "2022-04-21T05:57:48.121633Z", "processed": true, "processed_on": null, "disabled": false, "date_disabled": null, "bucket": 2279 } ], "errors": {}, "message": "Success" } Delete Permission ----------------- To **delete permission of the bucket**, send a **Delete** request to the eos end point :- **https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_perm/2437/?apikey={{api_key}}&bucket_name=bucket11&project_id={{project_id}}** .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Http Client import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.e2enetworks.com") payload = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'api_token', } conn.request("DELETE", "/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_perm/2437/?apikey={{api_key}}&bucket_name={{bucket_name}}&project_id={{project_id}}", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() print(data.decode("utf-8")) .. code-tab:: Python Request Body import requests url = "https://api.e2enetworks.com/myaccount/api/v1/storage/bucket_perm/2437/?apikey={{api_key}}&bucket_name={{bucket_name}}&project_id={{project_id}}" payload={} headers = { 'Authorization': 'Api_token', } response = requests.request("DELETE", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: python Request Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAi... .. code-tab:: python Response Headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 status: 202 Accepted .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: Python Request Body { "code": 200, "data": {}, "errors": {}, "message": "Success" }