Load Balancer with Dynamic groups

The load balancing service provides automated distribution of your application traffic across multiple backend servers. Use Load balancing for the following benefits:

  • Prevent a single server from getting overworked

  • Support scaling

  • Perform periodic health check on backend servers and route traffic only to the healthy nodes

Load balancing with Scale group

The Application scaling feature lets you define scale groups to dynamically add or remove compute nodes based upon a resource (or node) utilization metrics. You can employ the scale groups with a load balancer to enable a dynamic setup of backend servers.

Before you begin

  • Define a scale group and ensure that the group is in Running state.

Setting up Load Balancer with Dynamic Scaling Groups

  1. Go to My Account.

  2. On the left side of the MyAccount dashboard, click on the Load Balancers sub-menu available under the Products section.

  1. You will be routed to the Manage Load Balancers page. Select an existing load balancer or Click on Add New LB to create a new one.

  1. You will be routed to the Create Load Balancer page. All the load balancer plans are listed based on different memory, vCPU and storage configuration and price. Please select a plan you wish to use to create the new load balancer.

  1. After selecting the plan, you need to click on the create button. It will take you to the final stage of the ‘Create Load Balancer’ page.

  2. You will have to enter various configuration details and preferences (like name, mode, port, list type, SSL certificates, etc.) for front-end (client to load balancer) connections, and back-end (load balancer to nodes) connections.

Frontend Configuration

  • Choose a Type of Load Balancer

  • Choose Balancing Policy

  • Choose Load Balancer Mode (Protocol)

  • Specify SSL certificate - If you use either “HTTPS (SSL or TLS)” or “Both (HTTP and HTTPS)” for your front-end protocol

  • Specify Load Balancer Connection Port


Frontend Configuration

  • In the List Type, you need to select Dynamic Scale Group (for Auto-scaling group nodes only) to configure backend connection of your load balancer as per your requirement.

  • Select an active (Running) Scale Group from the dropdown. Enter a target port. This is the port which servers your application on the backend servers or nodes.

  1. Select Add HTTP Health Checks checkbox to define an HTTP based monitoring for the health of your backend nodes.

  2. Use Reserve IP - Enable this option to use a reserved IP as default Public IP for your load balancer. If you choose “External Load Balancer” for an Internet-facing Load Balancer.

  3. Enable Bitninja - Enable this option to use a bitninja security tool for your load balancer.

  4. After filling all the details successfully, click on the Deploy button. It will take a few minutes to set up the scale group and you will take to the ‘Manage Load Balancers’ page.

  1. When the load balancer is in Running state, review the scale group nodes in Manage section.
