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1 - Install java and maven

2 - go to project directory and enter the command

mvn archetype:generate \ \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=archetype-app-quickstart \

Enter the prompt values

PromptValue to enter
Define value for property 'service':s3
Define value for property 'httpClient':apache-client
Define value for property 'nativeImage':false
Define value for property 'groupId':org.example
Define value for property 'artifactId':getstarted
Define value for property 'version' 1.0-SNAPSHOT:<Enter>
Define value for property 'package' org.example:<Enter>

3 - your project directory would look something like this

├── pom.xml
└── src
├── main
│ ├── java
│ │ └── org
│ │ └── example
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ └── resources
│ └──
└── test
└── java
└── org
└── example

10 directories, 7 files

your file

package org.example;

import java.util.List;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class App {
private static final Logger logger =

public static void main(String... args) {"Application starts");

Handler handler = new Handler();

//you can call function of handler through handler object"Application ends");

4 - make connection with the EQS client

To make the connection with the EQS client , you need to pass configurations and credentials.


region_name- your_region
endpoint_url - eqs_endpoint_url (provided by e2e networks eqs service)


aws_access_key_id - your_access_key_id
aws_secret_key_id - your_secret_key_id

Make connection with EQS

There are many ways to provide credentials and configuration to connect with EQS service -

a) providing credentials directly to client object -

warning - Hardcoded credentials in application is not recommended

Update your file

package org.example;



public class DependencyFactory {
private DependencyFactory() {}
public static SqsClient sqsClient() {
access_key_id”, “your_secret_access_key”);
URI endpointUri = URI.create("your e2e eqs access url");
Region region = Region.of("elasticmq");

SqsClient eqs_client = SqsClient.builder()

return eqs_client;


b) you can put credentials and configurations in the config and credentials file , and these files should be located at ~/.aws/config, ~/.aws/credentials location, client will automatically access these credentials and configurations.

put in ~/.aws/credentials file

region = “your_region”

*put in* **~/.aws/configuration** *file*


aws_access_key_id = “your access key id”
aws_secret_access_key = “your secret key”

Update your file

package org.example;



public class DependencyFactory {

private DependencyFactory() {}

public static SqsClient sqsClient() {
AwsCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = DefaultCredentialsProvider.builder().build();
Region region = Region.of(new DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain().getRegion());
URI endpointUri = URI.create("e2e_eqs_access_url");
SqsClient eqs_client = SqsClient.builder()
return eqs_client;

c) you can make the connection with the EQS client by passing the credentials and configuration into the environment variables file.

using terminal (Linux, OS X or Unix)

$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = your_access_key_id
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = your_secret_key
$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = your_eqs_region

*using terminal* **(Windows)**


> set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = your_access_key_id
> set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = your_secret_key
> set AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = your_eqs_region

or, edit your environment variable file

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = your_access_key_id
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = your_secret_access_key
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = your_eqs_region

pom.xml file


update your

import io.github.cdimascio.dotenv.Dotenv;

public class DependencyFactory {

public static SqsClient sqsClient() {
Dotenv dotenv = Dotenv.load();
AwsCredentials credentials = AwsBasicCredentials.create(
Region region = Region.of(dotenv.get("AWS_REGION"));
URI endpointUri = URI.create("e2e_eqs_access_url");

SqsClient eqs_client = SqsClient.builder()

return eqs_client;

Methods available in eqs_client

necessary imports


Change VisibilityTimeout

Request Syntax

your .java file

String queueUrl = "queue_url";

ChangeMessageVisibilityRequest request = ChangeMessageVisibilityRequest.builder()


System.out.println("Message visibility timeout changed successfully!");


QueueUrl (string)- [Required]
The URL of the E2E EQS queue whose message's visibility is changed.

ReceiptHandle (string) - [Required]
The receipt handle is associated with the message whose visibility timeout is changed. This parameter is returned by the ReceiveMessage action

VisibilityTimeout (integer) - [Required] The new value for the message's visibility timeout (in seconds)

Response Syntax


Change VisibilityTimeout in batch

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

final String queueUrl = "your_queue_url_here";

ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest request = new ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest()
new ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestEntry()
new ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestEntry()

ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResponse response = eqs_client.changeMessageVisibilityBatch(request);


QueueUrl (string) - [Required]
The URL of the E2E EQS queue whose message's visibility is changed.

Entries (ArrayList/LinkList) - [Required] (objects)

id [Required]-(string) An identifier for this particular receipt handle used to communicate the result

ReceiptHandle [Required] -(string) A receipt handle

VisibilityTimeout - (integer) The new value (in seconds) for the message’s visibility timeout

Response Syntax

ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResult {
Successful: [
ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResultEntry {
Id: "message_1",
SenderFault: false
Failed: [
ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResultEntry {
Id: "message_2",
SenderFault: true,
Code: "InvalidParameterValue",
Message: "message"

Close connection

Request Syntax

edit your .java file


Response Syntax


Create queue

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

CreateQueueRequest request = new CreateQueueRequest()
"DelaySeconds", "123",
"MaximumMessageSize", "456",
"MessageRetentionPeriod", "789",
"ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds", "10",
"VisibilityTimeout", "30"
"tag1", "value1",
"tag2", "value2"

CreateQueueResponse response = eqs_client.createQueue(request);

String queueUrl = response.getQueueUrl();


QueueName (string)- [Required] 1 - A queue name can have up to 80 characters

2 - Valid values: alphanumeric characters, hyphens ( -), and underscores ( _).

Attributes (Map/HashMap)- Attributes could be

1 - DelaySeconds - Time(second), to which extent delivery of messages is delayed in the queue

Valid values - 0 to 900 (second)

default - 0 (second)

2 - MaximumMessageSize - The size of the message after which the queue will reject the message

Valid values - 1,024 bytes (1 KiB) to 262,144 bytes (256 KiB)

default - 262,144 bytes(256 KiB)

3 - MessageRetentionPeriod - Time to which extent a queue will retain a message

Valid values - 60 seconds (1 minute) to 1,209,600 seconds (14 days)

default - 345,600 (4 days)

4 - ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds - Time to which extent ReceiveMessage action waits before receiving a message

Valid values - 0 to 20 (seconds)

default - 0 (second)

5 - VisibilityTimeout - The amount of time that a message in a queue is invisible to other consumers after a consumer retrieves it.

Valid values - 0 to 43,200 seconds (12 hours)

default - 30 second

tags (Map/HashMap) -

1 - Adding more than 50 tags to a queue isn't recommended.

2 - A new tag with a key identical to that of an existing tag overwrites the existing tag.

Response Syntax

{ "QueueUrl": "string" }

Delete message

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

DeleteMessageRequest request = new DeleteMessageRequest()


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue from which messages are deleted.

ReceiptHandle (string) - [Required] The receipt handle is associated with the message to delete.

Response Syntax


Delete message in batch

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

DeleteMessageBatchRequest request = new DeleteMessageBatchRequest()
new DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry()
new DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry()
DeleteMessageBatchResult result = eqs_client.deleteMessageBatch(request);


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue from which messages are deleted.

Entries (ArrayList/LinkList) - [Required] (objects) id [Required]-(string) An identifier for this particular receipt handle used to communicate the result ReceiptHandle [Required] -(string) A receipt handle

Response Syntax

public class DeleteMessageBatchResult {
private List<DeleteMessageBatchResultEntry> successful;
private List<BatchResultErrorEntry> failed;

public class DeleteMessageBatchResultEntry {
private String id;

public class BatchResultErrorEntry {
private String id;
private boolean senderFault;
private String code;
private String message;

Delete queue

Request Syntax

String queueUrl = "your_queue_url_here";
DeleteQueueRequest request = new DeleteQueueRequest(queueUrl);


QueueUrl (string) - [Required]

The URL of the E2E EQS queue to delete.

Response Syntax


Get queue attributes

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

GetQueueAttributesRequest request = new GetQueueAttributesRequest()

GetQueueAttributesResult result = sqsClient.getQueueAttributes(request);

Map<String, String> attributes = result.getAttributes();


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue from which attributes are get.

AttributeNames (ArrayList/LinkList) - [Optional] A list of attributes for which to retrieve information

All - it specifies, returns all values

you can also specify specific attributes in the list

As - ('VisibilityTimeout' , 'MaximumMessageSize' , 'MessageRetentionPeriod' , 'ApproximateNumberOfMessages' ,'ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible' , 'CreatedTimestamp' , 'LastModifiedTimestamp' , 'QueueArn' , 'ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed' , 'DelaySeconds' , 'ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds')

Response Syntax

CreatedTimestamp=Tue Apr 27 05:00:00 UTC 2021,
LastModifiedTimestamp=Tue Apr 27 05:00:00 UTC 2021,

Get queue url

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

GetQueueUrlResult result = eqs_client.getQueueUrl(GetQueueUrlRequest.builder().queueName(queue_name).build());
String queueUrl = result.queueUrl();


QueueName (string) -[Required] The name of the queue whose URL must be fetched.

Response Syntax

{'QueueUrl': 'string'}

List queue tags

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

SqsClient sqsClient = SqsClient.create();
String queueUrl = "YOUR_QUEUE_URL";

ListQueueTagsRequest Request = ListQueueTagsRequest.builder()

ListQueueTagsResponse Response = sqsClient.listQueueTags(Request);


System.out.println("Queue Tags: " + Response.tags());


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue of which all the tags must be listed.

Response Syntax

"Tags": {
"TagKey1": "TagValue1",
"TagKey2": "TagValue2",

List queues

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

ListQueuesRequest Request = ListQueuesRequest.builder()

ListQueuesResponse Response = sqsClient.listQueues(Request);

System.out.println("Queue URLs: " + Response.queueUrls());

**QueueNamePrefix** (string) - [Optional]
A string to use for filtering the list results. Only those queues whose name begins with the specified string are returned.

**MaxResults** (integer) - [Optional]
The maximum number of results to include in the response.
Valid values - 1 to 1000

**Response Syntax**


"QueueUrls": ["string", ],

Purge queue

delete all the messages from queue.

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

String queueUrl = "queue_url";

PurgeQueueRequest purgeRequest = new PurgeQueueRequest(queueUrl);
PurgeQueueResult purgeResult = eqs_client.purgeQueue(purgeRequest);
System.out.println("Messages purged from queue " + queueUrl + ".");


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue of which all the messages must be deleted.

Response Syntax


Receive message

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

String queueUrl = "your_queue_url_here";

ReceiveMessageRequest Request = new ReceiveMessageRequest(queueUrl)
.withAttributeNames("All") // can specify specific attributes as well

ReceiveMessageResult Result = eqs_client.receiveMessage(Request);


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue from which messages are received.

AttributeNames (ArrayList/LinkList) - A list of attributes that need to be returned along with each message.

All - it specifies, returns all values

you can also specify specific attributes in the list

As - ('VisibilityTimeout' , 'MaximumMessageSize' , 'MessageRetentionPeriod' , 'ApproximateNumberOfMessages' ,'ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible' , 'CreatedTimestamp' , 'LastModifiedTimestamp' , 'QueueArn' , 'ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed' , 'DelaySeconds' , 'ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds')

MessageAttributeNames (ArrayList/LinkList) - The name of the message attribute.

MaxNumberOfMessages (integer) - The maximum number of messages to return.

Valid range - 1 to 10

default - 1

VisibilityTimeout (integer) - The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request.

WaitTimeSeconds (integer) - The duration (in seconds) for which the call waits for a message to arrive in the queue before returning.

Response Syntax

"Messages": [
"MessageId": "message_id",
"ReceiptHandle": "receipt_handle",
"MD5OfBody": "message_body_hash",
"Body": "message_body",
"Attributes": {
"ApproximateReceiveCount": "1",
"SentTimestamp": "send_time_stamp",
"SenderId": "sender_id",
"ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "approx_first_receive_time_stamp"
"MD5OfMessageAttributes": "message_attributes_hash",
"MessageAttributes": {
"MyAttribute": {
"StringValue": "string_value",
"DataType": "String"

Send Message

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

String queueUrl = "QUEUE_URL";
String messageBody = "MESSAGE_BODY";
int delaySeconds = 0; // optional

SendMessageRequest request = new SendMessageRequest()

// Optional message attributes
Map<String, MessageAttributeValue> messageAttributes = new HashMap<>();
messageAttributes.put("Attribute1", new MessageAttributeValue()
messageAttributes.put("Attribute2", new MessageAttributeValue()

// Optional message system attributes
Map<String, MessageSystemAttributeValue> messageSystemAttributes = new HashMap<>();
messageSystemAttributes.put("SystemAttribute1", new MessageSystemAttributeValue()
messageSystemAttributes.put("SystemAttribute2", new MessageSystemAttributeValue()

SendMessageResult result = eqs_client.sendMessage(request);


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue to which messages are send.

MessageBody (string) - [Required] The message to send. The minimum size is one character. The maximum size is 256 KB.

DelaySeconds (integer) - The length of time, in seconds, for which to delay a specific message.

MessageAttributes (Map/HashMap) - Each message attribute consists of a Name, Type, and Value .

Name, type, value and the message body must not be empty or null .

(string) - name of the message attributes

(Map/HashMap) - Value of message attributes

1 - StringValue (string) - Strings are Unicode with UTF-8 binary encoding.

2 - BinaryValue (bytes) - Binary type attributes can store any binary data, such as compressed data, encrypted data, or images.

(string) - [Required] Type of message attributes

EQS support the following data type

Binary, Number, String

MessageSystemAttributes (Map/HashMap) - Each message system attribute consists of a Name, Type, and Value.

The name, type, value and message body must not be empty or null.

(string) - the name of the message attributes

(Map/HashMap) - Value of message attributes

1 - StringValue (string) - Strings are Unicode with UTF-8 binary encoding.

2 - BinaryValue (bytes) - Binary type attributes can store any binary data, such as compressed data, encrypted data, or images.

(string) - Type of message attributes

EQS support the following data type

Binary , Number , String

Response Syntax

MessageId: string
MD5OfMessageBody: string
MD5OfMessageAttributes: string
MD5OfMessageSystemAttributes: string
SequenceNumber: string

string represent actual value return by the method

Send message in batch

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

SendMessageBatchRequest Request = new SendMessageBatchRequest()
.withEntries(new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry()
new MessageAttributeValue()
.withBinaryValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{}))
new MessageSystemAttributeValue()
.withBinaryValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{}))
new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry()
new MessageAttributeValue()
.withBinaryValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{}))
new MessageSystemAttributeValue()
.withBinaryValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{}))
SendMessageBatchResult result = eqs_client.sendMessageBatch(Request);


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue to which messages are sent.

Entries (ArrayList/LinkList) - [Required] A list of SendMessageBatchRequestEntry items.

(Map/HashMap) -

Contains the details of a single E2E EQS message along with an Id.

Id (string) - [REQUIRED] An identifier for a message in this batch is used to communicate the result.

MessageBody (string) - [Required] The message to send. The minimum size is one character. The maximum size is 256 KB.

DelaySeconds (integer) - The length of time, in seconds, for which to delay a specific message.

MessageAttributes (map) - Each message attribute consists of a Name, Type, and Value.

The Name, type, value and message body must not be empty or null.

(string) - The name of the message attributes

(map) - Value of message attributes

1 - StringValue (string) - Strings are Unicode with UTF-8 binary encoding.

2 - BinaryValue (bytes) - Binary type attributes can store any binary data, such as compressed data, encrypted data, or images.

(string) -[Required] Type of message attributes

EQS support the following data type

Binary, Number, String

MessageSystemAttributes (Map/HashMap) - Each message system attribute consists of a Name, Type, and Value.

Name, type, value and the message body must not be empty or null.

(string) - The name of the message attributes

(Map/HashMap) - Value of message attributes

1 - StringValue (string) - Strings are Unicode with UTF-8 binary encoding.

2 - BinaryValue (bytes) - Binary type attributes can store any binary data, such as compressed data, encrypted data, or images.

(string) - Type of message attributes

EQS support following data type

Binary , Number , String

Response Syntax

public class SendMessageBatchResult {
private List<SendMessageBatchResultEntry> successful;
private List<BatchResultErrorEntry> failed;

public class SendMessageBatchResultEntry {
private String id;
private String messageId;
private String mD5OfMessageBody;
private String mD5OfMessageAttributes;
private String mD5OfMessageSystemAttributes;
private String sequenceNumber;

public class BatchResultErrorEntry {
private String id;
private Boolean senderFault;
private String code;
private String message;

Set queue Attributes

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

String queueUrl = "your_queue_url";
Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
attributes.put("AttributeName", "AttributeValue");

SetQueueAttributesRequest request = new SetQueueAttributesRequest()

SetQueueAttributesResult result = eqs_client.setQueueAttributes(request);


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue of which attributes should be set.

Attributes : [Required] A map of attributes to set.

Response Syntax


Tag Queue

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

String queueUrl = "QUEUE_URL";
Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
tags.put("tag1", "value1");
tags.put("tag2", "value2");

TagQueueRequest Request = new TagQueueRequest()

TageQueueResult Result = eqs_client.tagQueue(Request);


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue.

Tags - [Required] The map of tags to be added to the specified queue.

Response Syntax


Untag queue

Request Syntax

edit your .java file

List<String> tagKeys = Arrays.asList("tag-key-1", "tag-key-2", "tag-key-3");
UntagQueueRequest Request = new UntagQueueRequest()

UntagqueueResult Result = sqsClient.untagQueue(Request);


QueueUrl (string) - [Required] The URL of the E2E EQS queue.

TagKeys (ArrayList/LinkList) - [Required] The list of tags to be removed from the specified queue.

Response Syntax
