Identity and Access management
Identity and Access Management is a comprehensive system designed to manage user roles and permissions within the TIR environment. This feature ensures that the right people have access to the right resources, streamlining collaboration and enhancing security across various teams and projects. With Identity and Access Management, organizations can efficiently assign roles such as Owner, Admin, Team Lead, Team Member, Project Lead, and Member, ensuring clear and controlled access to critical functions and information. This structured approach not only simplifies user management but also fosters a more organized and productive working environment.
TIR Users
1. User Types
Owner: The owner of the main account has the ability to add primary users and contact persons to various teams and projects, assigning them various roles.
Users: These are the users who can be added to the owner's account.
2. User Roles
Apart from the Owner, there are various other users who can be added with different roles in the TIR Account. Let's explore the different types of users in TIR.
Admin: Admins have access to all teams and projects. They also have the ability to add users to teams and projects, assigning them various roles. Admins cannot add users with the Admin role. Like the owner, Admins can also create teams and projects.
Team Lead: The Team Lead has full access to their specific team. They can add users to their team and projects exclusively within their team. Team Leads cannot add users with the Admin and Team Lead roles. Team Leads cannot create teams but can create projects within their team.
Team Member: These users are part of a specific team. Team Members cannot add any type of user. Team Members cannot create teams or projects.
Project Lead: The Project Lead will have full access to their specific project. They will be able to add users to their project only. Project Leads cannot add users with the Admin, Team Lead, and Project Lead roles. Project Leads cannot create teams and projects.
Member: These users are part of a specific project with some policy (authorized access to TIR Services) assigned to them. Members cannot add any users. Members cannot create teams or projects.