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e2e_node (Resource)

Provides an e2e node resource

This resource allows you to manage nodes on your E2E clusters. When applied, a new node is created. When destroyed, this node is removed.

Example Usage

resource "e2e_node" "node1" {
name = "C2-4GB-416B"
region = "Delhi"
plan = "C2.10GB"
image = "CentOS-7.5"

The above code will create a node of the above configuration when you run command terraform apply. Choose the appropriate plan and image from the section Node Plans.


Argument Reference

this fields are used as an arguments to launch the nodes. The Required fields are mandatory. These fields are not to be changed once node is created.

Argument Reference

  • image (Required) (String): The name of the image you have selected.
  • name (Required) (String): The name of the resource, also acts as its unique ID.
  • plan (Required) (String): Name of the Plan.
  • region (Required) (String): Location where the node is to be launched.
    Available regions: Delhi, Mumbai.
  • label (Optional) (String): The name of the group. Default value is "default".
  • backup (Optional) (Boolean): Tells you the state of your backups.
  • default_public_ip (Optional) (Boolean): Tells us the state of the default public IP.
  • disable_password (Optional) (Boolean): Can disable password as per requirement.
  • enable_bitninja (Optional) (Boolean): Enable Bitninja as per requirement.
  • is_ipv6_availed (Optional) (Boolean): Indicates if IPv6 is available.
  • is_saved_image (Optional) (Boolean): Used when creating a node from a saved image.
  • reserve_ip (Optional) (String): Reserve an IP as per requirement.
  • saved_image_template_id (Optional) (Number): Template ID required when saving the node from a saved image. Provide the template ID of the saved image. Required when is_saved_image field is true.
  • ssh_keys (Optional) (List of String): Specify the SSH keys as required. Checkout the ssh_keys datasource for listing SSH keys.
  • vpc_id (Optional) (String): Can attach a VPC ID from your VPCs. Checkout the vpcs_datasource to list existing VPCs.


This field are used when you need to perform actions on the node. You can apply changes to this fields as required.

  • lock_node (Optional) (Boolean) : Node is locked when set true .Can specify wheather to lock the node or not
  • power_status (Optional) (String) : power_on to start the node and power_off to power off the node
  • reboot_node (Optional) (Boolean) : When set true node will be rebooted. Node should be in running state to perform rebooting.Alaways check the field. If you have an active disk-intensive process such as database, backups running, then a rebooting may lead to data corruption and data loss (best option is to reboot the machine from within Operating System).
  • reinstall_node (Optional) (Boolean) : for reinstalling the node. Node should be in running state to perform this action. Always check this field as it will delete all your data permenantly when set true.

Attribute Reference (Read Only)

These fields are not to be specified in terraform configuration file. They are only meant for reading

  • created_at (String) : Creation time of the node
  • disk (String) : Disc info of the node
  • id (String) : The ID of this resource.
  • is_active (Boolean) : Wheather the node is active or not.
  • is_bitninja_license_active (Boolean) : Can check if the bitninja license is active or not
  • memory (String) : Amount of RAM assigned to the node
  • price (String) : Price details of the node
  • private_ip_address (String) : Private ip address alloted to node if any
  • public_ip_address (String) : Public ip address alloted to node
  • status (String) : Current status of the node