Steps to Install CDP-Agent on your server
CDP Backups can help you manage a node’s backup policy to save files and folders of your E2E Node and also, rolling back to a previous backup recovery point anytime. We recommend you to subscribe for CDP backup service for all your nodes, especially the servers for a production environment
In this tutorial, We will go through the steps to install cdp-agent on your nodes.We will be using example of Centos 8 and Ubuntu 20.
Incase if you have uninstalled this application or you are importing your custom image on e2enetworks portal, You can refer mentioned steps on this tutorial to install cdp-agent.
CDP-agent Installation on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora
Step 1: Download the Repository
Create r1soft.repo file to install the cdp-enterprise-agent
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/r1soft.repo
Enter below text
name=R1Soft Repository Server
Step 2: Installing the cdp-enterprise-agent
To install cdp-agent on your server, Please use below command
yum install r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent
Enable cdp-agent on boot
chkconfig cdp-agent on
Once the cdp-agent is installed verify the cdp of cdp-agent using below command
systemctl status cdp-agent
Step 3: Get Driver Module
Run the below command to get the driver module.
r1soft-setup --get-module
If headers are missing for modules then download the kernel-devel according to kernel version and install it.
It will provide the required headers for module.
to check kernel version
uname -a
download kernel-devel of exactly the same kernel version.
wget (example)
install kernel-devel
yum --nogpgcheck install kernel-devel-XYZ.rpm
run the command to get the driver module.
r1soft-setup --get-module
Step 4: Restart CDP agent
Restart cdp agent once to make the changes reflected
systemctl restart cdp-agent
Step 5: Adding CDP Server key to CDP Agent server
For security reasons, CDP Agent accepts connections only from known CDP Servers.
To authorize a CDP Server to CDP Agent, you must add the CDP Server’s public/private key to Agent’s configuration.
To add the Server’s key to the Agent’s configuration, run the following command on the Agent machine
r1soft-setup --get-key http://ip-of-cdp-server:8080/
CDP agent Installation on Debian/Ubuntu
Step 1: Download the Repository
Modify your /etc/apt/sources.list to include the R1Soft repository, and then download the R1Soft apt gpg key.
echo deb stable main >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key add r1soft.asc
apt-get update
Step 2: Installing the cdp-enterprise-agent
To install cdp-agent on your server, Please use below command
apt-get install r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent
Enable cdp-agent on boot
update-rc.d cdp-agent defaults
Once the CDP-agent is installed verify the cdp of cdp-agent using below command
service cdp-agent status
Step 3: Get Driver Module
Run the below command to get the driver module.
r1soft-setup --get-module
Step 4: Install Suitable Drivers
To Install suitable Driver,Please use below command
apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
Step 4: Restart CDP agent
Restart cdp agent once to make the changes reflected
service cdp-agent restart
Step 5: Adding CDP Server key to CDP Agent server
For security reasons, CDP Agent accepts connections only from known CDP Servers.
To authorize a CDP Server to CDP Agent, you must add the CDP Server’s public/private key to Agent’s configuration.
To add the Server’s key to the Agent’s configuration, run the following command on the Agent machine
r1soft-setup --get-key http://ip-of-cdp-server:8080/