Welcome to E2E Abuse documentation!

E2E Networks platform team works around the clock to address complaints of abuse on our network. We receive these complaints via feedback loops from security updates providers, spam blacklisting services, various industry contacts and mailing lists as well as from our clients.

Some of the types of abuses and the steps that can be taken to resolve the same are documented in the articles below

The following process is followed when we detect an abuse complaint regarding any server/service you have taken from us

  1. We send out a warning email to the authorized contact as soon as we discover and ascertain the abuse issue. The email contains the nature of the abuse and requests to check the issue at your end. If there are any identifiable security vulnerabilities, we will include the remedial measures as well. We would ask you to respond to us with the corrective measures you have taken to address the issue

  2. For Abuse Complaints, Since the outbound attack originates from your server, In order to protect the network from attack, We will suspend the Public and Private connectivity of your server as soon as the issue is reported

  3. For Phishing and Other Complaints, If we do not get a response from your side in 2 hours and the issue is still persisting we would call the authorized contact on their given phone numbers to intimate the issue

  4. In lack of response for our phone call for another 2 hours, - It would be required by us to suspend the public/Private network of your machines to prevent malicious activities on our server - You need to take action on the abuse complaint yourself by login to the server via console, we would require written confirmation on the steps you have taken to stop the reported actions

  5. Please keep your authorized contact details updated to avoid any miscommunications by sending an email to cloud-platform@e2enetworks.com , whenever there is a change or an anomaly is discovered in contact details.

  6. We understand getting an abuse ticket is a hassle, but please remember that we’re doing our best to protect our network, the Internet community and you.

  7. Switching off your server is a last resort for us, and we want to make sure everyone is on the same page to prevent us from getting to that last resort.

In case any of your server at E2E Networks is compromised, Please note that during the entire process, we request you to communicate and kindly take immediate action to fix the issue as the lack of response or resolution of the issue would be a contravention of IT Act 2000 and would lead to disabling of the public network.