Account Statement
The account statement is a summary of financial transactions and usages which have occurred over a given period on MyAccount and TIR held by you.
This help article describes how to view/read various reports under the account statement section. You can refer to the E2E Networks’ pricing, for an overview of our products and service along with the prices.
Logging into E2E Networks MyAccount Portal
- Please go to ‘E2E MyAccount Portal’ and log in using your credentials set up at the time of creating and activating the E2E Networks ‘My Account’.
Navigate to Account Statement
Log in to your account using your credentials.
On the left side of the MyAccount dashboard, click on the “Account Statement” sub-menu available under the Billing & Payment section.
You may also click on “Account Statement” on the title of “Getting Started” on the dashboard.
For a postpaid customer, the following screen shall be shown. This account statement screen will have Invoice, Ledger, Usage Details, Credit Notes, and Cost analysis reports tabs related to your MyAccount.
If you are a prepaid customer, the following screen shall be shown. This account statement screen will have Invoices, Ledger, Usage Details, Credit Notes, Infra Credit Details, and TDS Details reports tabs related to your MyAccount.
Note: If you have not used any products or services, there will be no records available in the account statement reports.
View/read various reports
Ledger statements may take up to 3 hours to reflect new transactions. Certain exceptional transactions, such as payments done in our bank, may take up to 2 working days to reflect here. Please check here the payment options available.
Ledger Report can be downloaded in ‘PDF’ format for the following durations:
This Month
This Quarter
This Year
Previous Year
Custom Range
At the end of a billing cycle or at the time you purchase infra credits, E2E Networks issues your invoice as a PDF file. All the generated invoices for your account are available under the ‘Invoices’ report, and you can download the PDF invoice by clicking the download button.
The ‘status’ of each individual invoice is shown. The table below gives the meaning of each “status” value:
# | Status Name | Meaning |
1 | Unsigned Invoice | The issued invoice is not digitally signed. Invoices are signed within 1 business day. |
2 | Unpaid | Invoice is issued to the customer, and payment is to be made. |
3 | Paid | Payment is made by the customer, and the invoice is settled. |
4 | Partially Paid | Payment is made partially, and the invoice is not fully settled. |
5 | Overdue | Invoice is not paid, and the due date has already passed. |
Note: It may take up to 3 hours to get updated status of an invoice after an online payment is made.
To download the invoice you require, choose the invoice and click on the ‘Download’ link in ‘PDF’ format.
Sample screenshot for postpaid:
Sample screenshot for prepaid:
Credit Notes:
The credit notes report shall have details of credit note(s) issued by E2E Networks to you. To download the credit note you require, choose and click on the ‘Download’ link.
Sample screen snapshot for postpaid customers:
Infra - Credit Details:
This tab will be shown only for customers who have purchased Infra-credits from E2E Networks. This section shows debit and credit transactions done using infra credits as per the usage of services and products in your account. You can also see a summary of ‘infra credits used’ and ‘infra credits available’ in your account.
Reference screen snapshot:
Usage Details:
The ‘Usage Details’ report provides information about your usage of E2E Networks’s products and services and infra credits used for the respective product and service usage. This report will be available to you if using a prepaid billing system.
Reference screen snapshot for Postpaid:
You can filter the usage report data, and also download usage detail reports either in ‘Excel’ or ‘PDF’ by clicking on the icon.
Reference screen snapshot for Prepaid:
TDS Details:
The statement of infra credits that are on hold will be available under the TDS details statement report, only if TDS deduction service is opted by you and you are using a prepaid billing system.
Sample screen snapshot:
Cost Analysis:
Cost Analysis allows you to visualize your cost and usage, analyze your cost drivers and usage trends, and set up notifications.
Sample screen snapshot for Prepaid:
Sample screen snapshot for Postpaid:
Itemised Usage Details:
Itemised usage details allow you to visualize item, quantity, and amount as per usage.
Reference screen snapshot:
Monthly Usage Details:
Monthly usage details allow you to visualize item, quantity, Region, Rate, and amount as per usage.
Recent Transactions:
Recent Transactions details allow you to visualize recent transactions.