Object Versioning

If you want to keep multiple versions of an object, enabling the bucket versioning is required.

Enable Object versioning

  1. Go to Storage -> Object-Storage option in the sidebar menu

  2. Choose any bucket or create a new one.

  3. To enable object versioning click on “Action” in front of your bucket and then select Object versioning.

  4. Now check the checkbox “I understand and I want to enable object Versioning”

  5. Finally click on the “Save” button. Your object versioning will get enabled.

  6. Versioning on a bucket has to be enabled from your side. It will be disabled by default.

  7. Usually object versioning is applied on the bucket and it will allow you to keep multiple versions of the same object in the bucket.

  8. You can disable object versioning whenever you want. By disabling object versioning you would not be able to upload multiple objects with the same name. If multiple objects with the same name are present in the bucket at the time of disabling the object versioning, these objects will remain as earlier. But you would not be able to upload more versions with the same name anymore.

  9. Only the latest version(last updated object/file) will be visible in my myaccount, rest of all the files will be available that can be restored using minio client CLI.


You will not be charged for empty buckets.