Tutorial : S3 browser For Windows


S3 Browser is a freeware Windows client for S3 Compatible storage. It offers a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. In this tutorial, we will walk through steps to install and setup S3 browser for E2E Object store on your windows system.


  1. Bucket in E2E Object Store. If you have not created a bucket yet, please refer to Getting Started section.

  2. Access and Secret keys with permissions on the target bucket

  3. Administrative access to windows server for Installing and Setting up S3 browser

Step 1 : Download and Installation

Please follow the steps below to download and install S3 browser.

  1. Login to your Windows server with administrative access.

  2. Go to “https://s3browser.com/download.aspx”.

  3. Click on the Download link.

  1. Once the download is complete, follow the installation wizard to install S3 Browser.

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Step 2 : Configure a New Account in S3 Browser

When you launch S3 Browser for the first time, you will be prompted to add new account. You will need to the following details for configuring account.

  • Account Name

  • Account Type

  • Rest End Point

  • Access Key ID

  • Secret access key

  • Enter an name of your choice for account

  • In Account type section change the type to S3 Compatible storage


After entering the above information, Click Add New Account.


Step 3 : Enter your Bucket details

  • Once an account is created (ie configured), add the details of external bucket.

  • Click Yes and enter your bucket name. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will enter e2e-test as our sample bucket.

  • Click on Add external bucket

  • You will now be able to view contents of e2e-test bucket



The setup is now complete. Visit here for more details on using S3 browser.