Storage Browser

Storage browser works as a primary control center for your content. The browser supports bucket creation, permission handling and also upload or download of objects.


To access storage browser, visit My Account

Bucket Details

You can browse through objects in your bucket or assign permissions using Bucket Details page.

  1. Login to My Account

  2. Go to Products > Storage option in the sidebar menu

  3. Choose any bucket or create a new one.

  4. Click the Object browser tab, it will be opened for the selected bucket.

  5. You can now browse through files and directories or manage permissions for the bucket.

  6. Click the bucket details tab for the selected bucket.

  7. You can now check bucket related information.

Bucket Permissions

If you intend to use CLI or API for accessing your data on EOS then you will need to define bucket permissions.

  1. Go to Products > Storage Storage option in the sidebar menu

  2. Choose any bucket or create a new one.

  3. Click the permission tab, it will be opened for the selected bucket.

  4. Click the Create access key button.

  5. Enter a name for your access key. This can be an application name, project name or a team member name.

  6. Choose an access key or Create access key.

  7. Assign a role:

    bucket admin

    can read, write, manage

    bucket writer

    can read, write

    bucket reader

    can read

  1. Save the permission.

Create access key

You can create access key from Permissions tab on Bucket details page or Manage access page.

  1. Enter a name for your access key. This can be an application name, project name or a team member name.

  2. Click Generate Key.

  3. If all goes well, you will see newly generated access and secret keys

  4. Keep a note of both these keys as you will not see them again after you close the modal window.

  5. If you have mc setup then use the given command to configure CLI for this access key.


Choose a short name for access key as you will be entering this for each command that you type in CLI.

Manage Access

Sometimes you may need to disable access for certain users or target applications. The way to do that is to lock their access key from manage access page.

  1. Go to Products > Storage Storage option in the sidebar menu

  2. Click Manage Access Key

  3. Identify the access you want to lock using key name

  4. Click lock icon as desired

To unlock, follow the same steps above except this time you will see an unlock icon instead of lock.